Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Week at the Library

Baby Time

We had such a pleasant time this week. The two older siblings played quietly or used their stuffed animal friends as their babies and did the rhymes alongside Mom. The real babies smiled and enjoyed the songs, books and bubbles. Stay and Play time was great as we discussed developmental milestones and movies.

Please spread the word to your friends to come and enjoy Baby Time. The window of time for these babies to participate is short - only about 9 months.

Toddler Time

I got handed a booger again this week. A little one was mining for gold during our book time, and when we all got up, she held out her finger. She said, "I have a booger." I said, "Go give it to your mom." She turned and headed back to mom and mom's friend. They only heard me tell her, "Give it to your mom," so they were wondering what she had for them. When she held out her finger, the look of shock on their faces was priceless! I cracked up.

The books we read this week were:

Daisy's Hide and Seek, by Jane Simmons. Oh the suspense! (Except for the kids on Thursday who were also here on Tuesday.)
It Looked Like Spilt Milk, by Charles Shaw. I got quite a few kids to say along with me, "But it WASN'T a mitten!"

Preschool Storytime

We had a good time reading about babies this week. Lots of humor and very giggly kids.

Baby Talk, by Fred Hiatt. This is the first time I've read this book at Storytime, and it was a huge hit! I've rarely had the kids laughing so hard I couldn't continue. They LOVED the ga ga goo goo stuff.
A Friend for Minerva Louise, by Janet Stoeke. Our favorite air head.
Pirate Don't Change Diapers, by Melinda Long. This was a first time for this book too. I read this only on Tuesday, and it seemed a little long and involved for their age. It would be great one-on-one at home.
Crispin and the 3 Little Piglets, by Ted Dewan. I love Crispin! This time, after he's surprised that his mom brings home all three of her babies, he learns to enjoy them after all.
Alligator Baby, by Robert Munsch. I love reading his books aloud. The silly characters and repeated lines make it so much fun. Grab a few of his books and go for it when you read to your kids at bedtime.

We did the fingerplay "5 Little Babies" which you can find in the labels on the right.

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