Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gee, thanks!

During Toddler Time one day, we had just finished a fingerplay when it was time to hold hands in a circle. A little girl came up to me with her hand held out like she was giving something to me. "Here," she said. Since I couldn't see anything in her hand, I thought she was either pretending, or there was something very small in it. I bent over to look and still didn't see anything. "What is it?" I asked. "A booger," she answered. And then I saw it, nice and plump, on the end of her finger. "Why don't you go give it to your mother," I suggested. She was happy to oblige, thankfully. Whew!


bridget in oregon said...

Where is Lisa when you need her? I hope the internet reaches her on whatever sunny Euro beach she's residing on!

PS I prefer it when they eat them immediately.

Anonymous said...

that is hilarious!