Merry Christmas to all! Or as an adorable two-year-old said to me, "Happy Halloween!" Enjoy a sweet time celebrating the birth of Jesus and giving good gifts to your loved ones.
Baby Time
A few babies who haven't been able to attend for a while got to come this week with parents who had a few days off of work. They grow so fast! Many were just figuring out how to crawl. It's fun to see all the different ways babies get from one place to another, army crawl, log roll, bottom scoot.
Preschool Storytime
At Toddler Time and Preschool Storytime I was so happy to see many of my old buddies who have left me (sob) for elementary school. I get all kinds of warm fuzzies when they come back during vacation to say hi.
Our theme this week was "Bedtime" and we had lots of very fun books.
Mortimer, by Robert Munsch. This is the third week in a row we've read one of his books. He's such a genius storyteller. Mortimer sings his song every time he's told to go to sleep:
Cling clang, rattle bing bang,
Gonna make my noise all day!
Cling clang, rattle bing bang,
Gonna make my noise all day!
My deepest apologies if you've had to listen to that when you put your own child to bed lately.
Bye-bye, Crib, by Alison McGhee. This book really got a lot of smiles and giggles.
The Bunnies Are Not In Their Beds, by Marisabino Russo. The children always get a kick out of the naughtiness of other children.
Little Hoot, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. I love this series about little ones whose parents make them do the opposite of what real parents ask, like staying up late, eating candy, and being messy.
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight, by Jane Yolen. Mark Teague's illustrations make this story the hit that it is. The color, the hugeness of the dinosaurs, the personality that comes through, it's absolute genius!
I told the story The Napping House, by Audrey Wood, on the flannelboard and asked the kids to say as much of it with me as they were able. I could tell many enjoyed the challenge.
Toddler Time
It was wonderful to see lots of dads come, either alone with their kids, or together with their wives, and also to see parents come when it's usually the nanny or babysitter. It was adorable, too, to hear the little ones say "Mewwy Chwisthmas" as best they could!
We read:
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight, by Jane Yolen. I grabbed this one from Preschool Storytime, and it was such a hit I requested it for my Toddler Time shelf. Like I said above, the illustrations are amazing, so much so that one toddler found them a bit overwhelming and had to hide his eyes through most of it.
A Turtle in the Toilet, by Jonathan Emmett. They love the surprises in this pop-up book, and the humor of a turtle in the toilet or a skunk under the bed.
Next Week we have a regular schedule of Storytimes.